Message from the Director
On behalf of University Foreign Relations Office, I welcome you to Osmania University and our community. We are thrilled that you decided to enrol at Osmania and we look forward to serving you during your academic career.
Osmania University is recognized nationally and internationally for its diversity and many exciting international initiatives. At present, over 4500 international students from more than 82 countries study at Osmania University in addition to many alumni who remain valued friends of the University and UFRO.
As a University and UFRO office, our goal is to provide you the best in services and support through the many programs and activities organized each year. My staff and I are eager to assist you as you navigate the Osmania University system, rules, and policies and as such we highly recommend that you seek our help and advice on a regular basis. We will do everything we can to make you feel at home in your new environment.
The UFRO staff is proud to have you here and we wish you great success in pursuit of your academic goals at Osmania University. We look forward to meeting you in person and welcoming you to Telangana State!
Prof. B. Vijaya
Prof. B. Vijaya
Office of the International Affairs, Osmania University